Roundup (Glyphosate) Lawyers in Oklahoma City
Knowledge & Compassion Working for You
Roundup® is a broad-spectrum herbicide utilized to kill weeds, grasses, and crops that are unattractive or cause damage. Its active ingredient is glyphosate. Monsanto discovered the potential use of glyphosate as an herbicide in 1970 and began marketing it in 1974. Since its introduction in the 1970s, the use of glyphosate-based herbicides has increased by 10,000% in terms of frequency and amount of application. Each year, approximately 250 million pounds of glyphosate are sprayed on crops, commercial nurseries, lawns, driveways, sidewalks, parks, and golf courses. Much of this increase in use has been caused by the expansion of genetically modified (GMO) crops sold as Monsanto’s “Roundup Ready” seeds, which are designed to resist the killing power of glyphosate products.
Glyphosate Scientific Studies
Glyphosate was originally classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans in 1985 by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, after the EPA studies were later re-evaluated in 1991, the EPA changed its classification to non-carcinogenic in humans. The International Agency for the Research of Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization, disagrees with the EPA, and has recently classified glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans. What’s most concerning is that a recent analysis performed by The Alliance for Natural Health USA found glyphosate residues in food products where it was never intended to be, such as breakfast cereals, coffee creamer, and eggs. One of the reasons why the herbicide was widely publicized as safe was its rapid biodegradability. However, if glyphosate residues are present in such alarming levels in food and water, it means it’s accumulating in animal and human tissues. Additionally, modern commercial pesticide formulations such as Roundup may contain additional substances (adjuvants) that can increase glyphosate’s toxicity and carcinogenicity. Most of these formulations were created several years after the original 1991 EPA assessment and were thus never taken into account.
Why Are Roundup® Lawsuits Being Filed?
Lawyers claim that Monsanto has known for more than 30 years that there is a link between the use of Roundup and multiple forms of cancer but failed to warn users of the increased risk. Decisions were made by Monsanto not to warn the public, and they even marketed the product to be as safe as table salt and practically non-toxic to humans, pets, birds, and fish. Litigation documents show that Monsanto created fake data and attacked legitimate studies exposing the dangers of Roundup and created a campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers, and the general population that its herbicide was safe. The documents even show that Monsanto colluded with the EPA to refute the connection between Roundup and cancer. Although Monsanto has either denied the dangers of glyphosate or continues to claim that evidence for glyphosate toxicity is “inconclusive,” the truth has been coming out in the course of growing litigation from plaintiffs alleging that their illnesses and injuries were caused by exposure to glyphosate.
Roundup® Health Hazards
The individuals most at risk for developing health issues are farm workers and other individuals with workplace exposure to the herbicide, such as employees in garden centers and nurseries, and landscapers. They are exposed to glyphosate from breathing it while spraying, mixing, or cleaning up, or through drinking water or eating food contaminated with it.
The most serious side effects from glyphosate exposure are the development of cancer, specifically:
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Leukemia
- B-cell lymphoma
- Multiple myeloma
Additional Health Dangers Linked to Glyphosate
- Liver damage
- Autism
- Kidney disease
- Colitis
- Diabetes
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Male sterility
- Depression
- Respiratory disorders
- Anencephaly (birth defect)
- Hypothyroidism
Please contact us at (405) 433-7414 for a free consultation. Hablamos español.
Do You Have Questions About Injuries Related to Roundup®?
If you or a loved one have been affected by the use of Roundup and have experienced any related health problems, we encourage you to consult with our team as soon as possible. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, you can rest assured that you will have legal representation you can trust. All initial consultations are free, and we don’t charge any up-front fees for representation. We handle all fees on a contingency basis, meaning that unless we’re successful, you don’t have to pay us.

Explore Our Results
$5.2 Million Verdict Pedestrian Accident
Our client was injured in a pedestrian accident when they were struck by a car.
$5 Million Truck Accident
Settlement for injury to school bus passenger injury in collision resulting from defective maintenance of oil field truck.
$4.5 Million Settlement Truck Accident /Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death settlement in collision caused by 18-wheeler that lost control while operating in icy road conditions on the interstate.
$4.1 Million Settlement Denied Benefits
Settlement on behalf of a client involved in a bad faith denial of heart attack insurance policy benefits.
$4 Million Truck Accident/Wrongful Death
Settlement arising from death of a pedestrian caused by distracted driver of a box truck.
$2.75 Million Settlement Denied Claim
Settlement obtained on behalf of a client who was involved in a bad faith denial of an Uninsured Motorist claim.
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“Totally, "two thumbs up"!”“They LISTENED to me... they were interested in what I had to say. I would definitely recommend them to anyone having problems with their insurance company. Can't say enough positive things about all who work there.”- Angie P.