Deceptive Trade Practice Lawyers in Oklahoma City
Call Now to Discuss the Details of Your Case
Manufacturers and retailers put enormous effort into marketing and advertising, often making grandiose claims about their product or service. But as long as these claims aren’t overtly deceptive (or flat-out false), they’re typically legal. A deceptive trade practice is activity by an individual or business that is meant to mislead or lure the public into purchasing a product or service.
Deceptive Trade Practice Examples
State laws define certain acts as deceptive trade practices. Most states have very similar lists of offenses, but typically vary in how they are handled.
Trade practices commonly defined as “deceptive” include, but are not limited to:
- False representation of the source, sponsorship, approval, certification, accessories, characteristics, benefits, or quantities of a good or service
- Representing goods as original or new when, in fact, they are deteriorated, altered, reconditioned, reclaimed, or used
- Falsely stating the certain services, replacements, or repairs are needed
- Advertising goods or service with the intent of not selling them as advertised, or with the intent of not having enough in stock to meet reasonably expected demand
- Disconnecting, turning back, or resetting the odometer of a vehicle to reduce the number of miles indicated
- Passing off goods or services as those of another (for example, selling counterfeit goods)
- Representing goods or services as having a sponsorship, approval, or certification of goods or services
Do You Have Questions?
We encourage you to consult with our team as soon as possible. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, you can rest assured that you will have legal representation you can trust. At Fulmer Sill, all initial consultations are free, and we don’t charge any up-front fees for representation. We handle all fees on a contingency basis, meaning that unless we’re successful, you don’t have to pay us.
Please contact Fulmer Sill at (405) 433-7414 for a free consultation. Hablamos español.

Explore Our Results
$5.2 Million Verdict Pedestrian Accident
Our client was injured in a pedestrian accident when they were struck by a car.
$5 Million Truck Accident
Settlement for injury to school bus passenger injury in collision resulting from defective maintenance of oil field truck.
$4.5 Million Settlement Truck Accident /Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death settlement in collision caused by 18-wheeler that lost control while operating in icy road conditions on the interstate.
$4.1 Million Settlement Denied Benefits
Settlement on behalf of a client involved in a bad faith denial of heart attack insurance policy benefits.
$4 Million Truck Accident/Wrongful Death
Settlement arising from death of a pedestrian caused by distracted driver of a box truck.
$2.75 Million Settlement Denied Claim
Settlement obtained on behalf of a client who was involved in a bad faith denial of an Uninsured Motorist claim.
Hear What Our Clients Are Saying
“Totally, "two thumbs up"!”“They LISTENED to me... they were interested in what I had to say. I would definitely recommend them to anyone having problems with their insurance company. Can't say enough positive things about all who work there.”- Angie P.