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Understanding Bicyclist Hand Signals

man on bicycle using hand signal

As a cyclist, communicating with others on the road is crucial to ensure safety and avoid accidents. Hand signals are essential to this communication, helping cyclists inform drivers and pedestrians of their intentions while on the road.

Why Use Hand Signals?

Cyclists use hand signals as a way to communicate their intentions to other traffic participants. As bicycles do not have turn signals and are often difficult for other drivers to see, hand signals are an important way for cyclists to communicate their movements and help prevent accidents.

Types of Hand Signals

The following are the most common hand signals used by cyclists:

Left Turn

Extend the left arm out to the side with the palm facing downward to signal a left turn. This signals the intention to move left and alerts other drivers and pedestrians to watch for a left turn.

Bicyclist Hand Signal Left Turn

Right Turn

To signal a right turn, either hold the left arm up and bent at a right angle, or extend the right arm out to the side with the palm facing upward. This signals the intention to move right and alerts other drivers and pedestrians to watch for a right turn.

Bicyclist Hand Signal Right Turn


To signal a stop, extend the left arm out to the side with the palm facing upwards. This signals that the cyclist intends to stop, signaling to other drivers and pedestrians to be aware and prepare to stop if necessary.

Bicyclist Hand Signal Stop

Other Safety Tips for Cyclists

Using hand signals is just one of many ways to stay safe while cycling. Here are some other tips to help ensure your safety on the road:

  • Always wear a helmet and bright, visible clothing.
  • Obey traffic laws, including stopping at stop signs and red lights.
  • Ride in the direction of traffic and in designated bike lanes when possible.
  • Stay visible by using lights and reflectors on your bike.

Understanding and using hand signals while cycling is an important part of communicating with other traffic participants and ensuring safety while on the road. By using hand signals to indicate turns and stops, cyclists can help prevent accidents and foster better communication with drivers and pedestrians. Always remember to obey traffic laws, wear protective gear, and stay visible to ensure your safety while cycling.

Bicycle Accident Attorneys in Oklahoma City, OK

At Fulmer Sill, our attorneys understand the complexities of bicycle accident cases and will work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We will investigate your case, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies to get you the best possible outcome.

Contact us today at (405) 433-7414 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.
