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School Bus Accidents

Oklahoma City School Bus Accident Lawyers

Fighting for Families Who Have Been Impacted by Negligence

Each school day in the United States, there are approximately 400,000 school buses transporting more than 23 million students to and from school. Sadly, there are thousands of children who are injured every year from a school bus getting into an accident. Even more unfortunate is the fact that most injuries young children incur are extremely serious due to most children not wearing seat belts on a school bus. If you are the parent or guardian to a minor who was injured in a school bus accident, you may bring a lawsuit or contact attorneys on the child’s behalf.

Between 1999 and 2002, there were approximately 320 buses involved in fatal accidents. Of those 320 fatalities, 39% came from school bus accidents. School bus accidents can result in atrocious injuries to passengers, pedestrians, and other automobile drivers. Because of the severity of injuries that can result from a school bus accident, victims and their families can face substantial medical bills. In addition, insurance policies may not cover certain expenses. It’s never fair for your family to go into financial distress because of someone else’s wrongdoing.

Common School Bus Accident Injuries

Common Responsible Parties

There are many factors to consider in school bus accidents. School buses do not have to have seat belts, so most do not. Poorly designed bus stops often play a role. If the school bus was owned and operated by a public school, you will be suing a government entity. That involves a different set of rules, and a very short time limit for sending your notice of intent to sue.

Depending on the nature of your school bus accident, and the underlying cause, one or more of the following parties may be held responsible:

  • School bus driver
  • School district
  • Private school, church, or other organization which owned and operated the school bus
  • Private company contracted to provide transportation for the school
  • Third party contracted to repair and maintain the bus
  • School bus manufacturer
  • Parts manufacturer
  • Driver of another vehicle
  • Government entity responsible for roadway design, construction, and maintenance

Please contact us at (405) 433-7414 for a free consultation. Hablamos español.

Do You Have Questions About Injuries Related to a School Bus Accident?

The damages that can result from a school bus accident can be both physically and emotionally daunting. When you have your future on the line, you cannot afford to put your trust in inexperienced legal counsel. Instead, you need to seek the guidance of attorneys who have extensive experience and resources to either reach a favorable settlement or win your case at trial. We have done both on behalf of our clients on numerous occasions. At Fulmer Sill, we are proud to deliver high-quality assistance to all our clients. Should you choose to seek our legal representation, we are confident that our experience and knowledge will produce a favorable outcome for you. All initial consultations are free, and we don’t charge any up-front fees for representation. We handle all fees on a contingency basis, meaning that unless we’re successful, you don’t have to pay us.

Explore Our Results

  • $5.2 Million Verdict Pedestrian Accident

    Our client was injured in a pedestrian accident when they were struck by a car.

  • $5 Million Truck Accident

    Settlement for injury to school bus passenger injury in collision resulting from defective maintenance of oil field truck.

  • $4.5 Million Settlement Truck Accident /Wrongful Death

    Wrongful Death settlement in collision caused by 18-wheeler that lost control while operating in icy road conditions on the interstate.

  • $4.1 Million Settlement Denied Benefits

    Settlement on behalf of a client involved in a bad faith denial of heart attack insurance policy benefits.

  • $4 Million Truck Accident/Wrongful Death

    Settlement arising from death of a pedestrian caused by distracted driver of a box truck.

  • $2.75 Million Settlement Denied Claim

    Settlement obtained on behalf of a client who was involved in a bad faith denial of an Uninsured Motorist claim.

Hear What Our Clients Are Saying

“Totally, "two thumbs up"!”
“They LISTENED to me... they were interested in what I had to say. I would definitely recommend them to anyone having problems with their insurance company. Can't say enough positive things about all who work there.”
- Angie P.